Bronchiectasis – from primary to secondary care
Curated for

CPDThis talk provides an overview on the diagnosis and management of bronchiectasis and associated co-mobilities, and the drivers of disease burden.
Dr José uses cases studies to discuss the patient journey of those with bronchiectasis from primary care to secondary care, and how these cases are best approached.
- To recognise symptoms and signs of bronchiectasis
- To understand the management principles of bronchiectasis
- To identify factors suggesting the need for a secondary care referral
- To gain knowledge of the drivers of disease progression and complications in bronchiectasis
Dr Ricardo José is a respiratory specialist with expertise in acute and respiratory infections, and respiratory disease associated with cancer.
Dr José has a specialist interest in respiratory disease in immunocompromised individuals and has a clinic dedicated to the management of respiratory infection and respiratory disease in patients with primary and secondary immunodeficiency.
Learn more about Dr Ricardo José, his clinical expertise, and publications here.
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Curated For :
Allied Health Professional & Nurse & Primary care doctors & StudentsSubject :
Respiratory medicine1 Hour