The sleepy patient; what to do and has COVID changed things?
Professor Michael Polkey provides guidance on the best approach to diagnosing and treating sleep disorders, including obstructive sleep apnoea.
Curated for :
Primary care doctors & Secondary care doctors & Tertiary care doctors
Subject :
Respiratory medicine
Duration :
50 minutes
- Curated For :Primary care doctors & Secondary care doctors & Students
- Subject : Respiratory medicine
- Duration : 50 Minutes
- Curated For :Primary care doctors & Students
- Subject : Respiratory medicine
- Duration : 50 Minutes
- Curated For :General public / patient & Primary care doctors
- Subject : Respiratory medicine
- Duration : 50 minutes
- Curated For :Secondary care doctors & Tertiary care doctors
- Subject : Respiratory medicine
- Duration : 50 minutes
- Curated For :Nurse & Secondary care doctors & Tertiary care doctors
- Subject : Respiratory medicine
- Duration : 50 minutes
- Curated For :Primary care doctors & Secondary care doctors & Tertiary care doctors
- Subject : Respiratory medicine
- Duration : 50 minutes