Lung cancer screening, early detection, and AI
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CPDDr LeeĀ provides an update on the journey towards national roll out of the NHS England lung cancer screening programme, showcasing his research into imaging artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and biomarkers in lung cancer early diagnosis as part of the Royal Brompton and Royal Marsden Joint Thoracic Oncology Service.
- Lung screening / TLHC update
- Remit of AI in early diagnosis
- Examples of tools, broad principles and applications of AI in Lung Cancer ED
- Limitations of AI in this setting and general principles for the future
- New direction in lung cancer care and where AI is needed/is evolving
Dr Richard Lee is a respiratory consultant, champion for Early diagnosis and chief research information officer (CRIO) at the Royal Marsden Hospitals and co-leads the NHS England National Targeted Lung Health Check program which has already diagnoses over 1000 cancers, the majority at early stages.
Learn more about Dr Richard Lee here.
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