Dr Alison Duncan is an associate specialist in cardiology at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals.
She graduated from St. Bartholomew’s Medical School London in 1995, and soon after became a member of The Royal College of Physicians London in 1998, before gaining her PhD in Stress Physiology in Heart Failure from imperial College London in 2004. Dr Duncan became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 2020. She also has a degree in Medical Education.
Dr Alison Duncan is the lead interventional echocardiologist at Royal Brompton Hospital for transcatheter aortic, mitral and tricuspid interventions. She has guided over 1,200 TAVI, 150 MitraClip and 30 transventricular mitral neochordae procedures as well as 28 transcatheter mitral valve interventions (including the first-in-man Tendyne device implantation).
In addition, Dr Duncan is a member of The British Society of Echocardiography, The British Society of Heart Failure, The Heart Valve Society, The Acute Cardiovascular Care Association, and is a Faculty Member of The British Cardiovascular Society, London PCR Valve Therapies, Transcatheter Mitral Valve Interventions (UK and Ireland), CSI Frankfurt, and the International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery.
Dr Duncan is the UK Chief Investigator for the Global Tendyne Early Feasibility Study and is the Principal Investigator for both the Harpoon Tracer trial and Global Apollo trial (transcatheter Intrepid device). Additionally, she is the only UK imaging proctor for transcatheter mitral valve implantation (Tendyne) and repair (Neochord and Harpoon).
Her research interests are physiology and transcatheter valve intervention.
Dr Alison Duncan has authored over 80 original published manuscripts in journals including Circulation, JACC, EHJ, Euro Intervention, Catheter Cardiovasc Interventions, J Thorac Cardiovasc Surgery, BMJ, Heart. In addition to this, she has over 180 scientific abstracts published at national and international meetings
She is a national and international speaker at cardiac imaging and valve conferences including TCT, AHA, EACTS, ESC, EuroPCR, London Valve, ISMICS, BSE and BSHF.
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Secondary care doctors & Tertiary care doctorsSubject :
Cardiac surgery & Cardiology