Dr Ee Ling Heng, consultant cardiologist in adult congenital heart disease and structural intervention.
Dr Ee Ling Heng graduated from Imperial College London, with an intercalated BSc in Healthcare Management. She was awarded a British Heart Foundation Clinical Research Training Fellowship and completed her PhD investigating ‘Improved Outcome Prediction in Tetralogy of Fallot’.
Dr Heng completed her specialist training in cardiology with the London Deanery. Following completion of specialty training, she undertook an adult congenital and structural interventional fellowship at Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network, Canada.
Dr Ee Ling Heng has clinical expertise encompassing adult congenital heart disease and general cardiology.
She has a special interest in structural and ACHD interventional procedures.
Dr Ee Ling Heng’s PhD research involved the development of a novel cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) technique for assessment of interstitial fibrosis for the right ventricle, as well as examining CMR and genomic predictors of outcome in patients with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot.
She serves as associate editor for International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease and reviewer for several peer-reviewed Cardiology journals.
Dr Ee Ling Heng has multiple peer-reviewed publications in journals including Circulation, Heart and International Journal of Cardiology. She has authored multiple book chapters, including in the Oxford Handbook of Cardiology.
Dr Ee Ling Heng regularly contributes to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. She has been part of the faculty for numerous courses including Mitraclip Centre of Excellence sessions, RBH percutaneous ASD closure course and Multimodality imaging in ACHD.
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