Developments and Controversies in Thyroid Cancer 2024
Guy’s and St Thomas’ 3rd Developments and Controversies in Thyroid Cancer will focus on the management of recurrent thyroid cancer. This area of practice has significantly evolved in the past few years but has also created a number of controversies primarily due to the lack of evidence in this field. This causes significant discussions within multidisciplinary teams dealing with these clinical scenarios and also in international forums.
The aim of the symposium is to provide an update on the management of recurrent primarily differentiated thyroid cancer by focusing on the understanding of the latest evidence on:
- Molecular and cellular predictors of recurrent thyroid cancer
- Evaluation and work up of patients with recurrent thyroid cancer
- Surgical approaches to recurrent thyroid cancer in the primary site, neck and distant sites
- The use of non-surgical treatment for recurrent thyroid cancer
- To understand the current evidence and controversies to support clinical practice decision making
Who should attend
The symposium is targeted to all members of the thyroid multidisciplinary teams treating thyroid cancer including qualified staff and trainees. These include Surgeons, Endocrinologists, Nuclear Physicians, Oncologists, Clinical Nurse Specialists, and Speech and Language Therapists.