Treating exacerbating COPD in primary care and what to consider post pandemic
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CPDThe focus of this talk is to understand how to diagnose and manage COPD patients in primary care. The talk highlights the key strategies to use when treating stable COPD patients with recurrent and infrequent exacerbations, with one or two hospital admissions. It also covers the latest GOLD and NICE guidelines and considers the main differences between them.
- Spirometry – how to best use this diagnostic tool.
- ABCD assessment tool.
- Assessment of severity/FEV1.
- When we should consider oxygen therapy.
- Inhalers – types and rationale for use.
Dr Jaymin Morjaria is a consultant in respiratory medicine at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals.
He has researched severe asthma in great depth and has extensive experience in managing patients who undergo semi-invasive and invasive procedures, with specialisms including:
- general sleep pulmonary interventions
- lung cancer
- cough
- pleural disease
- bronchiectasis
- smoking cessation
- COPD and asthma.
He is also a member on the editorial board of Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease and has published many articles in peer reviewed journals.
Learn more about Dr Jaymin Morjaria and his clinical expertise.
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