The latest guidance for primary care on lipids and blood pressure
Curated for

CPDThe focus of this talk highlights the role of primary care in the management of lipids and treatment goals in primary versus secondary prevention of ischaemic heart disease. There will be further discussion around the role of primary care in the management of hypertension. Â
- Latest guidance of the role of primary care in primary and secondary prevention of ischaemic heart disease.Â
- Understand the latest guidance on the management of hypertension in primary care. Â
Professor Stuart Rosen is a consultant cardiologist at Royal Brompton Hospital and specialises in treating difficult hypertension, syncope and heart failure. He also completes assessments such as ultrafiltration for decompensated heart failure, stress echo, tilt testing and autonomic assessment and transoesophageal echocardiography. Â
His translational research agenda focuses on complex disciplines such as origins of cardiac pain, mechanisms of heart injury in cancer patients, role of cardiac autonomic dysfunction in pathophysiology of cardiac disease and effect of alcohol excess on heart function. He also directs the nationally acclaimed Hands-on Echo course at Ealing hospital. The UK’s first cardio-oncology unit at Royal Brompton was set up by Dr Rosen along with Dr Alexander Lyon and Dr Rakesh Sharma. This unit supports patients who are at risk of cardiotoxicity or who have developed cardiac issues as a result of their anti-cancer treatment. Â
Professor Stuart Rosen is a speaker at national and international meetings and is certified by the Royal College of Physicians of London as a physician educator. He has also published many peer reviewed articles, abstracts and editorials in addition to writing the book ‘Cardiology: self-assessment colour review of cardiology’ published by CRC Press.Â
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Curated For :
Primary care doctors & StudentsSubject :
Cardiology30 Minutes

Curated For :
Primary care doctors & StudentsSubject :
Cardiology55 Minutes

Curated For :
Primary care doctors & Secondary care doctors & Students & Tertiary care doctorsSubject :
Cardiology40 Minutes