Copy of Shortness of breath and interstitial lung disease in the primary care
This webinar focuses on the baseline assessment of shortness of breath and the association with early or established interstitial lung disease.
Learning Objectives
- Assessment of shortness of breath
- Awareness and assessment of ILD
- Necessary tools for evaluating patients with early or established ILD in the primary care
- Comorbidities in ILD and their assessment
- Effect of treatments in ILD and their monitoring in the primary care
Dr Vasilis Kouranos Background
Dr Vasilis Kouranos is highly specialised in pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and connective tissue disease-associated interstitial lung diseases at Royal Brompton Hospital.
He has sub-specialist expertise in sarcoidosis and particularly cardiac sarcoidosis, which was the subject of his PhD thesis. He also offers clinical support for sarcoidosis and ILD patients with lung cancer.
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Scroll down to the module content below to access the Expert Talk and its assessment.
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