Patient-derived organoid models for cystic fibrosis and primary ciliary dyskinesia studies
Patient-derived organoid models for cystic fibrosis and primary ciliary dyskinesia studies
Professor Jeffrey Beekman
1 hour
Curated for
Allied Health Professional & Secondary care doctors & Tertiary care doctors
Respiratory medicine

This talk focuses on patient-derived organoid models and the work undertaken for organoid personalised medication application. The talk will also discuss 3d culture models and the application of these models.
Learning objectives
- Discuss individualizing with in vitro living cell models
- Review a readout for CF in organoids
- Gain an understanding of airway cell models for disease modelling
Professor Jeffrey Beekman
Professor Jeffrey Beekman a professor of cellular disease models at the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands. His primary focus is on rare genetic diseases and cystic fibrosis.
Professor Beekman’s work has been awarded with various international prizes including the ECFS award 2017 and the European Respiratory Society Excellence award for research in CF 2017 and the Prix Galien 2019.
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