Diagnostic assessment of chest pain – which test is best?
Diagnostic assessment of chest pain – which test is best?
Dr Rajdeep Khattar
1 hour 20 minutes
Curated for
Primary care doctors & Secondary care doctors & Students & Tertiary care doctors

Dr Khattar will describe the roles of non-invasive imaging modalities used for detecting coronary artery disease and the suitability for patients.
The current guidelines for diagnostic evaluation of suspected cardiac chest pain is overviewed and how they should be used.
Learning objectives
- To be able to assess the likelihood of coronary artery disease in an individual presenting to the clinic with new onset chest pain.
- To appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of CT coronary angiography, stress echocardiography, nuclear imaging and CMR imaging with a patient-based approach in the detection of coronary artery disease.
- Gain an overview of the European versus NICE guidelines for the diagnostic evaluation of suspected cardiac chest pain.
- Use a patient-based approach to determine the best test for a given patient.
- To gain an understanding of the indications for coronary angiography and revascularisation.
Dr Rajdeep Khattar
Dr Rajdeep Khattar is a consultant cardiologist, specialising in a range of cardiology procedures including echocardiography, coronary angioplasty, and stent implantation.
Dr Khattar has published several peer-reviewed papers on a broad range of cardiological conditions.
Learn more about Dr Khattar’s publications, clinical expertise and teaching here.
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